I agree with your passion, Mr. Laffey. How many DECADES!!! of ABYSMAL, APPALLING STUDENT SCORES AND LACK OF MASTERY OF SUBJECTS are we going to tolerate before we admit that the system itself is broken beyond the possibility of repair. Both parties have tried their tweaks and guidelines all for naught. MYRIAD OTHER OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE and they work better than today's public schools. Do you want a school's student body with 15% reading proficiency or 99%? With the non-public school options these are the kind of results that can be obtained. Don't believe me. Look it up! https://nypost.com/2023/06/11/charter-schools-outperform-public-schools-in-us-with-ny-results-among-the-best-in-the-country-study/ While I respect the caring and the passion that public school teachers have, they're working in a broken-and-can't-be-fixed system. Let's open up educational OPTIONS so that children can finally learn. Today's American kids are the dummies of the world! Let's fix that now. It's not the kids' fault. Steve Laffey cares passionately about getting our children educated to best-in-world status. See how his own children have flourished under his educational guidance. Let everyday Americans have a REAL VOICE and a REAL CHOICE! (— not Washington's pablum) stevelaffey.com/education

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Also a great article you reference, Mr. Bogarte! Thank you!

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First, to be very clear, the children are casualties of war. This is the war of genocide by our government, especially the Departments of Defense and Health and Human Services, in conjunction with the WHO, WEF and the globalist tyrannical wealthy. Second, the closing of the schools was done at the behest of the teachers' unions, that hold undue leverage on our government. The old people, Steve, were themselves victims of this war. The really old were forced into hospitals, where they were murdered with a protocol of being on ventilators, injected with toxic Remdesivir and starved. The children need better education (run by the states). But, first, we must stop this war on humanity.

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the plandemic is unconscionable, for sure!

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