The cost of - and paying for - higher education is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. As with the other major, pressing financially-related issues, Laffey lays out logical, effective and attainable solutions.

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It doesn't make any difference. If your plan's top priority is to get re-elected in the next election then your "solution" is always designed to that end. And guess what? It isn't a solution at all. It's either a Republican "Kick the can down the road" non-solution, or a Democrat "We'll just find another way to screw the middle class, and pander to our base," non-solution. You don't even have to think about it for two seconds. That's what DC is all about. Money, power, keeping the money and power, and the money and power. Period. I'm voting Steve Laffey for President. He can and will shake things up and fix the problems. "Let's GOOOOOO!"

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About presidential candidate Steve Laffey:


Looking out for our long term interests — as individuals, and as a nation. Who else is doing that? NO ONE.

Donate to get Steve Laffey on the debate stage so America can see what Common Sense Solutions and Caring looks like! — the fact that he's a bona fide financial expert doesn't hurt — rescuing his hometown from bankruptcy and restoring its gutted pension — taking a middle of the pack investment firm to new, unexpected heights of value through wise leadership and astute understanding of how things will play out in our economy. This is the kind of guy we need. Someone with a clue and who actually gets things done — and done right: Compassion, Caring, Common Sense — America needs a person who's in touch with the people AND ALSO in touch with the economic realities of our world. Donate to change the debate!

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