Sep 21, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

The National Debt is now thirty three TRILLION dollars. What is your share? That's right, your share-- it is the taxpayers' debt. Your share is $255,000. Say thank you to the unelected Federal Reserve and the elected US Congress. Neither cares how much fake money is spent and printed. Why should they worry about something as basic as a budget? The taxpayer has it covered. Why should they worry about inflation? The taxpayer has it covered, or at least until they are broke. Then the criminals will collapse the dollar and substitute it with CBDC. The stupid sheeple will never figure this Ponzi scheme out.

Haven't you had enough of this abuse? Isn't the government here to serve us? When will you fight for your rights as a sovereign citizen of the USA?

Steve Laffey know what this is. He has been warning us for years. He has the knowledge ability to lead this country from doom. Still want the criminal brain dead puppet in the White House? How about the wealthy egotist that thinks everything is a deal?

Jump aboard the Laffey bullet train. It is non-stop until it reaches its destination.

Go Steve Laffey!!

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

yes!!!!, but I, personally, say sovereign nation, not sovereign citizen.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

Our U. S. government is crowding out private investments in the economy (companies growing the economy) by inadvertently creating rising bank interest rates from its massive spending. When those interest rates go up, many companies decide not to invest in that new product line or other stimulants of economic activity. So the massive government spending slows or even stops organic economic activity. We're OUT OF MONEY! NO one is talking about this to fix this. I only know of one person running for president who has the WILL TO FIX THIS, or even the proper concern and understanding to even know that this is a problem. Steve Laffey turned around a delusional, broke city, and he will do the same for America if GIVEN THE CHANCE! I don't want the other world powers to become the leaders of planet earth, because they are all totalitarian, authoritarian regimes. Bring America's solvency and benevolent leadership back by restoring normalcy to our budgeting and spending. This is not a small issue. We are in the ninth inning, with two outs *and two strikes*. Wake Up, America! "Rome" is about to fall. Your freedom and way of life are at stake. For real. stevelaffey.com/about

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