I agree with Freedom Fighter but it’s not only the federal gov.; t’s the local gov too. Mr. Laffey points out what New York state did by lowering test standards. It gets worse than that; Oregon makes NY look like a bunch of pikers. A not-nearly-publicized-enough fact coming out of Oregon a couple of years ago was that the governor, Kate Brown, in a stroke of genius – and a stroke of the pen, signed into state law that graduation requirements for high school seniors were to be suspended – not lowered: SUSPENDED –for five years. Gone was any requirement to show high school proficiency (a.k.a.: freshman/sophomore level ability, which everyone knows that level as a general requirement for all students is not exactly AP or IB equivalent; no, it’s the lowest level possible) in reading, writing and math. I asked my neighbor/friend who is a manager at a private company that works on many Dept of Ed contracts. She said there is no way that Ms. Brown could have done that because the state would lose its federal educational funding. Perhaps I dreamt it. Nope. I had to recheck and show it to her in writing. Guess I wouldn’t have believed me either since it is so outlandish, but here we are:


To benefit… “Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.” Seriously? So when one of these “beneficiaries” comes in for an interview, will the prospective employer say, “Oh, I see you didn’t have to be proficient. OK, fine. You’re hired!” Doubtful. With lunacy like this going on, how does America have even a glimmer of a chance with the generation coming into the work force? All Ms. Brown’s stupidity will accomplish is to put “Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx [probably the dumbest word invented in the last decade], Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color” at an even greater disadvantage. Lowering educational standards anywhere in the US for anyone is the absolute most counterintuitive thing to do for the future of this country…unless, of course, the people pushing for it want to be able to control the dumbed-down masses. Hmmmm

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There is no sense in denying it. This country has gone to hell. We are the only ones that can cause a recovery. How about electing Steve Laffey to lead us?

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As I see it, there are two problems which are related. The first is the teacher unions. They control the school systems (and the money spent) and the politicians (and the money spent). The second problem is the federal government, both the Congress and the Executive (President). As I said previously, they are controlled by the teacher unions. The federal government, as we all know, or should know, is infamously irresponsible with money (our tax dollars). To placate the unions (and, to some extent, the parents), vast sums are thrown at education. Federal dollars usually come with conditions attached that are not germane to the money spent. To solve the problem, including why Johnny or Susie can't read or add 1 and 1, we need to do two things. If you guessed that we need to get the unions out of education and we need to exclude the federal government from education, you are right. We need to have the federal government send a check to each student for education, aka vouchers. It can be spent on public schools (that will probably cease existing), private schools, charter schools or home schooling. The students and parents will make the wise choice for the best education. Finally, control of education needs to be with local government. Steve Laffey understands this, understands why $20000 a year is giving our students very poor education. Let's put Steve Laffey to work for us.

Go Steve Laffey!!

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IMHO The classic tactic of any evil political/cultural agenda seeking to displace the rule of law is to cause the masses to be distracted. Distracted by scandals, both real and imagined (think partisan squabbles over Trump or Biden, CORRUPTION in high places, DOJ, FBI, etc.). Distracted by issues that will prove to be non-essential or marginal at best (think the radical environmentalists and anti-nuclear, EV folk, and things like news industry manufactured ideological opposite debates like the 2nd Amendment or even abortion; things the average American knows are right and wrong in that order). Distracted by whatever happens to be the next big hook for the “news sound bite” industry. And while Washington and the MSM fills the airwaves with all this propaganda day in and day out, our public schools and most colleges and universities are pumping out lies and not teaching the kids how to read, write and do math, and that at the highest possible cost to every taxpayer that supports their nefarious system. This must end and Laffey is the only candidate talking about it. Why? Why aren’t we hearing about this from any other candidate or the MSM? Why isn’t this the top story on the TV or Radio? The reason is simple. While every other candidate on both sides is fundraising and dancing around these issues (afraid to offend someone somewhere) only one has a plan to address them and fix them. Laffey is that man. Make him POTUS and things will get fixed. He has a plan TO FIX AMERICA and knows how to execute it. “Let’s Goooooo!”

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AMEN!!!!! Our public school systems along with the department of education are just as corrupt as our current administration!!!!!

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