Oh yes, we go over the stupidity of the democrats with Tim Walz leading the way!-- and electric cars, price controls and selling stuff in communist China.
Steve, I've missed not communicating with you. You did not announce on your campaign substack about this substack. I see you post to Linkedin, but I will not use that account because Google records everything.
The reason I'm responding on this substack is the mention of Sarah. You know Boston is doing nothing but keeping her alive and suffering. Sorry, but it's the truth. They have no way to cure her. Chemo hits the newer cells, but does not touch the original base, so new cells are created from the old base. With that being said, and Sarah has nothing to lose, you need to put her on the Joe Tippen protocol. This is fenbendazole, ivermectin and a few vitamins and supplements. Check out the 2ndSmartestGuyintheWorld substack, also FenbendazoleCanCureCancer substack. Joe Tippen has his own website-- mycancerstory.rocks You can find more on the internet. Please check out these substacks,
Best wishes to you and the rest of the rest of your family,
One can attempt to bail out a sinking ship for so long. The strength of the incoming tide is strong. Steve, you have failed only in the sense of not being able to awaken a sleeping America. Millions of Americans are anxiously awaiting their next dose of the latest bioweapon concocted by our government and Big Pharma. They are asleep, unaware that these drugs have not helped (they have, on the contrary, caused harm and death). If the citizens cannot be awakened by their own health, how in heaven's name could you have possibly done so in the realm of politics and the state of the country?
As for the Republican party, you know the one that supposedly espouses less government and fewer taxes, it has been a lost cause for decades. It is part and parcel a self-defeating party, an integral part of the Uni-party and deep swamp. It has been ruled by self-serving authoritarians for the benefit of the almighty corporations that lobby and fill their pockets.
As with most of the American dream, we have been deluded by the meaningless slogans and false platforms. The Republican party, and the candidates it endorses, exist solely for the purposes of power, control and money. They have little to no concern about this great republic or its patriotic citizens.
It is virtually impossible to work within the system when the system is wholly corrupt and broken. The political body, including the Republican party, is evil and must be discarded, then replaced.
Given the condition of the country, which is morally, ethically and financially broke, I hold out little optimism for its resurrection. The Founding Fathers understood that at a certain point the government (and its political parties) must be thrown out and replaced. We are at that point in time. We can only hope that there exists sufficient numbers of patriots to accomplish this. The nation suffers from internal destruction, and likely future external invasion, which will result in collapse and failure. America's fate is obvious, except that enough patriots may turn things around.
Steve, the failure is not yours, but is the failure of the American people who have squandered their legacy.
Thank you for your patriotic selfless attempts to save this country. God Bless. Good luck, good health to you and your family.
(You might consider continuing to use this Substack for educating and speaking out.)
Reading these you find that there is more info available in various locations.
I will stop sending this info, if you want. Just tell me not thanks. I think Sarah needs to try something different, while she still has the will to fight.
Steve, Please check out today's 2nd smartest guy's substack-- more examples of Fenben and Ivermectin curing cancer. Each drug hits the cancer in multiple, different ways. Some people continue using conventional treatment while using fenben/ivermectin protocol. Sarah has been an incredible warrior, but she needs weapons that work. Time, of course, is of the essence. [Kathy and I have been taking Ivermectin as a COVID prophylactic every 2 weeks for about almost 3 yrs. No side effects, and neither one of us has gotten COVID. I haven't even had a cold.]. The dog even gets it to prevent heartworm.
You're very knowledgeable about the U.S. Auto industry, Steve. If I didn't know better, I'd say that you have a good connection with an Expert in that field, lol.
Yes, Toyota got it right and the MSM berated them and now just look at which auto companies are looking real stupid and having to backtrack. The least that the auto companies should have done when it was obvious to everyone and finally, them ....was to apologize to their dealership partners for the hell that they put them through. Biden and the auto execs would have taken credit for rolling out the charging infrastructure when it was actually, the dealerships installing them at their own cost with no possibility of recouping their investment. None. By the way, pay attention to Toyota and their continuing venture into ICE vehicles that run on hydrogen.
Your daughter, Sarah and the National Anthem was a thing of beauty, yes I have said a prayer for her.
Steve, I've missed not communicating with you. You did not announce on your campaign substack about this substack. I see you post to Linkedin, but I will not use that account because Google records everything.
The reason I'm responding on this substack is the mention of Sarah. You know Boston is doing nothing but keeping her alive and suffering. Sorry, but it's the truth. They have no way to cure her. Chemo hits the newer cells, but does not touch the original base, so new cells are created from the old base. With that being said, and Sarah has nothing to lose, you need to put her on the Joe Tippen protocol. This is fenbendazole, ivermectin and a few vitamins and supplements. Check out the 2ndSmartestGuyintheWorld substack, also FenbendazoleCanCureCancer substack. Joe Tippen has his own website-- mycancerstory.rocks You can find more on the internet. Please check out these substacks,
Best wishes to you and the rest of the rest of your family,
One can attempt to bail out a sinking ship for so long. The strength of the incoming tide is strong. Steve, you have failed only in the sense of not being able to awaken a sleeping America. Millions of Americans are anxiously awaiting their next dose of the latest bioweapon concocted by our government and Big Pharma. They are asleep, unaware that these drugs have not helped (they have, on the contrary, caused harm and death). If the citizens cannot be awakened by their own health, how in heaven's name could you have possibly done so in the realm of politics and the state of the country?
As for the Republican party, you know the one that supposedly espouses less government and fewer taxes, it has been a lost cause for decades. It is part and parcel a self-defeating party, an integral part of the Uni-party and deep swamp. It has been ruled by self-serving authoritarians for the benefit of the almighty corporations that lobby and fill their pockets.
As with most of the American dream, we have been deluded by the meaningless slogans and false platforms. The Republican party, and the candidates it endorses, exist solely for the purposes of power, control and money. They have little to no concern about this great republic or its patriotic citizens.
It is virtually impossible to work within the system when the system is wholly corrupt and broken. The political body, including the Republican party, is evil and must be discarded, then replaced.
Given the condition of the country, which is morally, ethically and financially broke, I hold out little optimism for its resurrection. The Founding Fathers understood that at a certain point the government (and its political parties) must be thrown out and replaced. We are at that point in time. We can only hope that there exists sufficient numbers of patriots to accomplish this. The nation suffers from internal destruction, and likely future external invasion, which will result in collapse and failure. America's fate is obvious, except that enough patriots may turn things around.
Steve, the failure is not yours, but is the failure of the American people who have squandered their legacy.
Thank you for your patriotic selfless attempts to save this country. God Bless. Good luck, good health to you and your family.
(You might consider continuing to use this Substack for educating and speaking out.)
From you!
I did take your advice!!
Thank you Freedom! Good to see you Again.
Steve, I hope you're checking the fenben/ivermectin info out. Here's more if you care to read (costs nothing but time to read):
Reading these you find that there is more info available in various locations.
I will stop sending this info, if you want. Just tell me not thanks. I think Sarah needs to try something different, while she still has the will to fight.
God Bless you and your family.
Steve, Please check out today's 2nd smartest guy's substack-- more examples of Fenben and Ivermectin curing cancer. Each drug hits the cancer in multiple, different ways. Some people continue using conventional treatment while using fenben/ivermectin protocol. Sarah has been an incredible warrior, but she needs weapons that work. Time, of course, is of the essence. [Kathy and I have been taking Ivermectin as a COVID prophylactic every 2 weeks for about almost 3 yrs. No side effects, and neither one of us has gotten COVID. I haven't even had a cold.]. The dog even gets it to prevent heartworm.
You're very knowledgeable about the U.S. Auto industry, Steve. If I didn't know better, I'd say that you have a good connection with an Expert in that field, lol.
Yes, Toyota got it right and the MSM berated them and now just look at which auto companies are looking real stupid and having to backtrack. The least that the auto companies should have done when it was obvious to everyone and finally, them ....was to apologize to their dealership partners for the hell that they put them through. Biden and the auto execs would have taken credit for rolling out the charging infrastructure when it was actually, the dealerships installing them at their own cost with no possibility of recouping their investment. None. By the way, pay attention to Toyota and their continuing venture into ICE vehicles that run on hydrogen.
Your daughter, Sarah and the National Anthem was a thing of beauty, yes I have said a prayer for her.
Keep up the good fight!
Yes I do have a friend in the industry!! Ha! Thanks my friend, we will keep fighting!