You're very knowledgeable about the U.S. Auto industry, Steve. If I didn't know better, I'd say that you have a good connection with an Expert in that field, lol.

Yes, Toyota got it right and the MSM berated them and now just look at which auto companies are looking real stupid and having to backtrack. The least that the auto companies should have done when it was obvious to everyone and finally, them ....was to apologize to their dealership partners for the hell that they put them through. Biden and the auto execs would have taken credit for rolling out the charging infrastructure when it was actually, the dealerships installing them at their own cost with no possibility of recouping their investment. None. By the way, pay attention to Toyota and their continuing venture into ICE vehicles that run on hydrogen.

Your daughter, Sarah and the National Anthem was a thing of beauty, yes I have said a prayer for her.

Keep up the good fight!

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Yes I do have a friend in the industry!! Ha! Thanks my friend, we will keep fighting!

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