Goverbment nearly always makes a bad situation worse.

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Jim all I can say is just remove the "nearly" and I would agree 100%. They just never seem to fix anything, unless kicking the can down the road is part of their constitutional duty.

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The problem is that the government is "fixing" the problems that it creates. The politicians, the ruling class, are playing a predictable game, and Steve Laffey knows this. The solution, part of which is electing Steve Laffey President, is for we, the people, to wake up and take back control of our government. It is being destroyed by the filthy rich globalists, our elected officials and the deep state. The Republic is on the road to destruction. It is our responsibility to stop this descent.

Go Steve Laffey!!

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Thank you Mr. Freedom!

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Both Parties Playing Games with our money and our Futures! Enough is enough! Partisan soundbites aren't solutions. Steve Laffey is a SOLUTIONS GUY — an ACTION GUY! — a person who actually has SOLVED REAL WORLD PROBLEMS JUST LIKE THE ONES AMERICA IS NOW FACING! For the Love of God (or that goat you worship in your back yard if that's your 'thing') put Steve 'Mr. Fixing America' Laffey onto that debate stage. We need a Leader with a Track Record of Achievement. Not Clowns. Your Middle Class status; your Social Security benedits; your very Future depend upon it. I say this in all sincerity because I have not seen one other candidate of either party who has REAL, VIABLE ACTION SOLUTIONS to America's REAL PROBLEMS. Restore the Middle Class! Revitalize Social Security! Donate to get Steve Laffey's name out there, and to get him onto that debate stage. It's critically important that Americans hear his rock solid solutions and action plans to Fix America! stevelaffey.com/about

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