The chocolate cake is for actually eating, and the white cake is a fake cardboard cake made as a prop for nice wedding photos. I also noticed that the chocolate cake is round while the white cake is square. Ummm? Not sure about that detail. Could be that cutting a round cake allows each piece to be a nice traditional wedge shaped piece, while cutting a square cake allows for only ugly untraditional rectangular pieces, like the kind you get at a kids birthday party at Chuckie Cheese or McDonald’s.

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One of the problems with government (aside from corruption and greed) is that it is run by people that call themselves "experts". During the Biden reign, this problem was compounded by cabinet members and head of departments who were DEI appointments with no knowledge. "Experts" know the laws of (------), but have no practical knowledge. As an example, when government decreed that too much water was wasted by toilets, the engineers/experts designed tanks that held less water, without re-designing the bowl. They tried to make toilets that needed 4 or 5 gallons of water to properly flush function on half that amount. Toilets clogged, then needed to be flushed a couple more times to clear the blockage. This caused toilets to use more water, not less. You have economists/experts advising the government on trade and financial matters with no real world knowledge. The result is loss of businesses and jobs, less GDP, government and individuals in debt. Anything the government touches goes bad. We need to get government out of way and out of our lives. And, as Ron Paul says, "end the Fed."

Beautiful bride. Thanks to the demoncrats we have less marriage today. Another prime example of the need to get government out of our (personal) lives.

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