"Highly Regarded" Economist At MIT, Finally Catching Up To Laffey From 2005, on Commie China. Lakey and Laffey!

He should have watched our movie, Fixing America, made in 2011, and he would have had all the info he needed.

From the Article:

“We were very,very startled by what we found. It was so different from what we expected.”

This is only a "cover your ass" article that somehow made it into the Wall Street Journal. For Prof. David Autor to not know that geographic areas that became very cheap could make a comeback, but the people who lost their jobs to communist China, who worked in manufacturing jobs would not make a comeback, nor would many of their children— means he's never actually lived in some middle class, low middle class neighborhood somewhere in Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, or even Rhode Island. Listen to me talk about this, and you will realize these people, most Economists at MIT, Stanford etc.. are entirely removed from reality. There's always this thought from these people will be easily transferable— they'll just get up and move and they'll just change jobs as if somebody without a college education can go from a manufacturing job assembling some goods to watching China take it all away— and then become a venture capitalist somewhere in Silicon Valley, leaving his family, his friends and everything he knows behind. While America is a very mobile place compared to many countries people generally don't do this kind of stuff. But Professor Autor doesn't know it or he just covering his ass.

Skill sets don't transfer easily. Derek Jeter knows how to hit a baseball. He doesn't build nuclear power plants.

But the Wall Street Journal and major mainstream magazines will continue to provide cover for these really stupid thoughts. Just as they cover for the Fed and their disastrous performance over the last many many years.

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Read it and weep.

Here’s Trump’s new idea, From Today as the CPI came out) it changed from last week as inflation moved up. Have fun with that.

Pretty Bride! From our wedding album…Why did we have two cakes, I do not know!