Are we going to let our Aunts, our friends, our children die because our feckless leaders, from Bush to Biden continue to favor Communist China over the health of our Citizens? Not me.
We have given (or they have stolen) everything. It is not just the drugs. It is vitamins, electronic chips, military weapons, etc. The Chinese have our entire manufacturing base, including American companies. It is time to stop the Chinese takeover. Our government, of the people, by the people, for the people, is doing nothing. Our freedom and our lives are at stake.
You said it, brother Prez!
We have given (or they have stolen) everything. It is not just the drugs. It is vitamins, electronic chips, military weapons, etc. The Chinese have our entire manufacturing base, including American companies. It is time to stop the Chinese takeover. Our government, of the people, by the people, for the people, is doing nothing. Our freedom and our lives are at stake.
Go Steve Laffey!