Jun 11, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

It’ll be interesting to refer to these projections after the debt limit suspension expires on January 1, 2025. Let’s see how close they’ll be to reality. Even if these projections are spot on for the next ten years, the debt-to-GDP ratio increases by 18.7% from 2024 to 2033. I’m not wicked smaht so I had to ask my neighbor’s 4-year-old kid if this is a good thing and he told me it isn’t. Hmm. Note that the key to the FRA is to limit discretionary funding. Given that, this agreement is the best they came up with. Finding creative, effective ways to reduce non-discretionary funding, however, is what’s necessary to get the country to sustainable economic health. Gee, if there was only a presidential candidate bold enough to attack these third-rail, non-discretionary spending issues… Oh, hey, who’s this Laffey fellow?

Laffey 2024.

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Mr. Surabian thank you so much. I have more info about me at stevelaffey.com blessings, steve

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

you said it, Glenn Surabian! sound pretty smart to me!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

The media wants us to believe that congress raised the debt ceiling. But this clearly states they ripped it out. No ceiling through 2025. No ceiling through the next election cycle so they can give our all the freebies and buy votes. They don’t care about this country. It’s time for a radical change before it’s too late.

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Agreed, thank you Mrs. Hollingworth! I will keep going!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

I hope everybody understands how our government works. If Congress says they cut spending by $2, they means they are spending $2 instead of $4. They claim they spent $2 less, when in reality, they still spent $2 more. So, this business with the debt ceiling is exactly the same, except there is now no limit to their spending. This is the best result that Kevin McCarthy and the so-called republican Congress could muster. How shameful. I guess when the country goes bankrupt (and that is quickly coming) the same thieves, who will probably still be in office, will proclaim that their actions shaved a year or two off from declaring bankruptcy. Right now, as an average voter, your share of the federal debt is about a quarter of a million dollars. Can you afford this bill?

Steve Laffey has the answers to our problems. Won't you help give him a chance to help us?

Go Steve Laffey!!!

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Thank you Freedom!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

We need more patriots to get the word out. Keep up the hard work., Steve.

Thank you.

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

PHONY PROJECTIONS OF DEBT REDUCTION, PHONY means of analysis whereby the dynamics of the REAL ECONOMY are not even factored in — only 'rose-colored glasses' scenarios; it's all a SHAM! IT'S A BARNUM AND BAILEY WORLD, JUST AS PHONY AS IT CAN BE ! And even the completely phony numbers yield just a 3% reduction in overspending. What part of this circus is that? I'd say the Clown Show. According to the head of the World Clown Association, Stephen King gets the blame for this profession's bad reputation. But the 'Terrifying Horror Movie Clowns' in Washington have brought well-deserved disparagement on themselves. None of the horror show clowns in Washington are taking concrete steps to reduce our debt to get us out of Bankrupt Status! Steve Laffey is the one candidate for president who has taken a city from bankrupt to surplus — who has fixed a gutted pension (and done so in short order). WHO DO YOU WANT HANDLING OUR ECONOMY? WHO DO YOU WANT FIXING CONGRESS'S PROBLEM OF SPENDING MONEY WE DON'T HAVE? — OF NEVER ACTUALLY REDUCING OUR UNFATHOMABLY UNCONTROLLABLE MOUNTAIN OF DEBT? WHAT ABOUT THESE ELEPHANTS?! (<— ya know, to continue with the 'circus theme'). Do you want your dollar to have value? Do you want to be able to buy the things you need for yourself and your family? DO YOU WANT REAL WORLD SOLUTIONS TO REAL PROBLEMS? Steve Laffey has solved problems that are exactly the same as our nation's INSANE CRISIS-LEVEL DEBT and exactly the same as a near BANKRUPT SOCIAL SECURITY system. HE HAS REAL SOLUTIONS TO THESE REAL PROBLEMS OF CALAMITOUS CONSEQUENCE! If you don't already know about his exceptional financial background and unprecedented success in FIXING a city with the same problems that America has right now, then please take a look on his site and see how he is the only candidate who CAN and WILL FIX AMERICA! NO MORE 'KICK THE CAN' and all this PHONY 'POLITICAL THEATER'. America is at an Economic/Debt/Banking/Inflation Crisis Point right now!, so we need REAL PEOPLE with the RIGHT BACKGROUND and a TRACK RECORD OF FIXING UNWIELDY PROBLEMS to provide REAL LEADERSHIP to SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS! Not talk about them and pretend. STEVE LAFFEY PRESIDENT 2024 — put a financial expert with a track record of turning around mismanaged bankrupt government in the White House. AMERICA NEEDS THIS. No joke! I'm not clowning. Steve Laffey.com/about

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Exactly Mr. Fogarty, very astute and I appreciate it, we will keep fighting to revitalize, restore the middle class and stop this nonsense.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey

If anyone can restore the middle class to post World War 2 glory, it's you, Mr. Laffey! Thank you for offering us an alternative to the know-nothing folks with no plans to fix anything! Or even the understanding of how to do so! God bless you and your family and your campaign team, some of which appear to be your family, based on the footage I saw live streamed, today, at Faneuil Hall in Boston — pressing the flesh! — getting the word out! — talking to real Americans! — LOVE IT !

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