As it should be Steve. This WWE style of politics that Trump brought is doing nothing to focus Americans on the issues we all need to unite on. Am praying for you to make the debate stage and get everyone focusing on issues not personalities.

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Laffey is running against this very same corruption that the Kennedys had spoken about. Today's version is much worse. There are globalist elites trying to remove your individual choices and decisions from you. They want to control you and every aspect of your life, including your money, health, property rights and more. And even penalize you for exercising your right to make your own choices or speak your mind. All this, while our country spends like a sailor on shore leave — which might be OK if we had the money to allow for this, BUT the U.S. of A. is broke, to the tune of more than 91 trillion (with a 'T') dollars if we count all unfunded obligations. How much is a trillion? Can we wrap our heads around what this really means? Well, if we think in terms of time, rather than money, a trillion SECONDS is the equivalent of more than 31,000 YEARS! So now multiply this by 100 and that's 3 MILLION YEARS !!! So if we now take this back to dollars, you can easily see how this can't be paid back EVER, UNLESS we do two things: 1) stop spending more than our annual GDP and revenue allows us to, and 2) Retool programs to be solvent again — getting those many tens of trillions owed, off the ledger sheet. Laffey has pledged to do these very things. He saved the city pension when he was a mayor, turning his city around (from worst bond rating in the US of ANY city, to investment grade — 8 notches higher S&P municipal bond rating), with the city ultimately having a surplus and its property taxes on a trajectory of being lowered. All of this in just 3 1/2 years!!! Let the man with a 'penchant for fixing pensions', and who is perceptive enough to solicit the advice of GENUINE EXPERTS, such as Laurence Kotlikoff, to solve real problems — wipe away, in one fell swoop TENS OF TRILLIONS OF UNFUNDED US DEBT while PROTECTING and AUGMENTING the retirement money of the younger generations by hedging inflation with a conservative growth strategy. If Laffey is President, and his Social Security advisor / expert / Boston University affiliated Economist Laurence Kotlikoff put into place the 'Purple Plan' that retools to modernize and make permanently solvent and strong, Social Security, then, from this one act, America's insurmountable deficit takes a big great step in the right direction. ALL of the BIG PROBLEMS like this — the underlying, structural problems that are destroying America and her middle class, Steve Laffey has a well-thought-out PLAN for, and the real world experience and acumen to make it happen. Savvy?? Please check him out at stevelaffey.com

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