"The Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2023" Will it Change Anything?

Politicians want you to think they are doing something about atrocities in Communist China. They are not doing anything to stop Communist China.

““It’s got real teeth. We’re not kidding,” Smith told The Epoch Times ahead of the floor vote. “This is an atrocity, this is a crime against humanity, and it’s a war crime, because this is a war on innocent people in China, and [Chinese leader] Xi Jinping is directly responsible, but those who willingly engage in this will be held responsible.”” Epoch Times

“The Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act, or S.761, would authorize the State Department to deny or revoke passports and visas to anyone involved in forced organ harvesting. It also would require annual government reporting on the illicit activity in foreign countries and impose sanctions on facilitators. A House version of the legislation is headed to the full chamber after advancement on a unanimous vote by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Feb. 28.” Epoch Times


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