Excellent article, Steve!

If you were to have been our Presidential Candidate and were heading into November with a full head of steam, taking the White House....I would humbly ask your opinion on a simple man's ideas to "help" with our debt issues.

1. Get the government out of the student loan business. Next, eliminate the interest / finance charges on current student loan borrowers and (you've previously mentioned Parent Plus loans) as well. The money will be paid back much faster and it would not only put fast cash back into the coffers, it would give some legitimate relief to ALL the student debt holders, not just the "carved out" bunch that Biden has tried to curry favor with.

2. Close our border once and for all and say goodbye to our uninvited guests, sorry. They are draining our schools, hospitals and first responders' resources and don't really add anything in the way of helping us deal with our nation's debt.

3. End all Green New Deal projects and return that appropriated money toward the debt.

4. Unleash our natural gas and oil resources and revive nuclear power projects, stat! (The government should partake in their successes, too with a modest cut) Put it toward the debt. Instead of incentivizing them like solar / wind/ BEV's, just get govt out of picking winners and losers.

5. Cut down on Federal Govt employees by eliminating waste, fraud and abuse of the taxpayers' dollars. The Beltway shouldn't be the location of the massive "workforce" that it is today. Our Founders never meant for govt to be a huge employer.

6. We need Term Limits. Real ones. Government was to be a temporary place for people to "serve" the public not a lifetime of luxury, pensions and automatic pay raises and the corruption that comes with their privilege. Too many people go to Washington DC with very little and leave with a fortune.

7. Eliminate the Dept of Education.......they've proven beyond a doubt that they're incompetent.

I'll stop at lucky number 7!

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of course, I have proposed all and more!

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