That's right Steve. Hit 'em above the belt, but hit them hard!

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Thank you, Steve, for bringing some class to the Presidential primary. Thank you for standing up against that egotistical school yard bully and his childish name-calling. I guess Trump never heard of Ronald Reagan's "Eleventh Commandment". I also could not bring myself to vote for Trump and I'm a life long Republican. By the way, when will the "father of the 'vaccine'" stop claiming he saved millions of lives, when, in fact, he is responsible for the death of millions and the life long injuries of millions more?

Go Steve Laffey!!

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Civility, class, and operating within anything like social norms are not qualities or behaviors that the dangerously delusional narcissist Donald Trump possesses. He is a real scumbag of a human being. I have deep respect for anyone saying this obvious truth who is on the same side of the aisle as the man. Surrounding himself with sycophants is his habit. CNN should also be ashamed of their behavior. The love of money IS definitely the root of all evil. Certainly it is for media outlets with no integrity, and it is for our 'bought and sold' congress, to name just two. Presidential candidate Steve Laffey is an honest man and he cares about the lives of everyday Americans. Please see why he really is the best person for the extremely important job of leading our nation. LAFFEY 2024!!! stevelaffey.com/about

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