Regarding student loan debt and the Supreme Court Ruling...Still 1.67 Trillion of Student Debt. Congress won't do anything to control costs and help the disadvantaged. I will.
Steve, Cuomo, really? Just kidding, you need to get your name out there. That was a healthy conversation, which is a good thing. When Steve Laffey is President, there will be many robust conversations. College education, for the most part, is overpriced and over valued. Not to mention that they are little more than Marxist training grounds. We need Steve Laffey to pull the nation back over to the great ideals of the Founding Fathers. Happy Independence Day.
The only thing which is free is the air we breathe. The socialists in Washington have been brainwashing the public since the 60's that government will take care of you. This has encouraged the disadvantaged, the lazy, etc. to expect government hand-outs, which are paid for by the middle class working folk. The high priced education factories, and society in general, needs to affirm that personal motivation and responsibility are the keys to achieve financial comfort and freedom. Traveling down the present road will lead to disappointment and enslavement. Steve Laffey knows this from his own life. He will lead by example. Help send Laffey to DC.
This student debt relief program hit all sorts of levels of stupidity. Did these students sign their loan papers anticipating debt cancellation? Of course not, so why are we here? The conditions to qualify for relief were absurd. Do couples earning a quarter of a million dollars a year need their debt cancelled? Seriously? Not enough income to pay off their student loans? And what makes these qualifying students unique? Millions went to college before these folks and many millions more will continue to go to college. What about those entering college in the fall? Will debt continue to be canceled? Further to this, what would debt cancellation signal to the colleges? A huge green light for even more egregious tuition hikes since the government will likely cancel debt if the burden is too crushing on the grads. It was a stupid election stunt used by Biden to buy votes. Laffey addressed the issue in a great way. SCOTUS ruled correctly (even Cuomo said as much in his opening statement; legally, this was the expected decision) yet we need to take a serious look at education affordability and programs/policy designed to ensure all who have the desire and credibility should be able to go. The clown show of cancelling loans repayments, even if (especially if) it’s a one-off deal, does nothing to mitigate the root cause and we’ll be in the same boat a couple of years from now.
Jul 3, 2023·edited Jul 4, 2023Liked by Steve Laffey
Not sure if people understand the concept of a loan, so maybe don't go to a school whose cost doesn't align with your anticipated earning power once off 'the dating farm' (i. e., college). That degree in the History and Philosophy of Afro-Indo-European Basket Weaving (Advanced) probably isn't going to lead to a quick loan payoff after school, I'm thinking — things that make ya go, 'hmmmmmmm'(<— falling, wrong-answer-on-a-game-show pitch).
Now, regarding things that make ya go HMMMM! (<— rising, optimistic pitch), Steve Laffey gets the concept of 'limited resources', such as collected federal tax revenue, and has the common sense to know that no one can spend more than they make (not for long, anyway). He has Common Sense Solutions to America's underlying problems, many of which are financial in nature, and his sensible plans work in the real world.
Under a Laffey presidency, Inflation goes to zero so you can afford your life again. Social Security is fixed, once and for all, so young people have a great future in their vulnerable years. And the Banking/Debt Crisis is a thing of the past as we live within our means, for a change. Restore the Middle Class!
Donate to Steve Laffey's grassroots campaign to help get this Serial FIXER onto the debate stage so we can finally hear and get behind someone with Common Sense, who will run our country the way you'd run your own household.
Steve, Cuomo, really? Just kidding, you need to get your name out there. That was a healthy conversation, which is a good thing. When Steve Laffey is President, there will be many robust conversations. College education, for the most part, is overpriced and over valued. Not to mention that they are little more than Marxist training grounds. We need Steve Laffey to pull the nation back over to the great ideals of the Founding Fathers. Happy Independence Day.
Go Steve Laffey!!
Free college? What could possibly go wrong with that?
Ha! And still they say it!
The only thing which is free is the air we breathe. The socialists in Washington have been brainwashing the public since the 60's that government will take care of you. This has encouraged the disadvantaged, the lazy, etc. to expect government hand-outs, which are paid for by the middle class working folk. The high priced education factories, and society in general, needs to affirm that personal motivation and responsibility are the keys to achieve financial comfort and freedom. Traveling down the present road will lead to disappointment and enslavement. Steve Laffey knows this from his own life. He will lead by example. Help send Laffey to DC.
This student debt relief program hit all sorts of levels of stupidity. Did these students sign their loan papers anticipating debt cancellation? Of course not, so why are we here? The conditions to qualify for relief were absurd. Do couples earning a quarter of a million dollars a year need their debt cancelled? Seriously? Not enough income to pay off their student loans? And what makes these qualifying students unique? Millions went to college before these folks and many millions more will continue to go to college. What about those entering college in the fall? Will debt continue to be canceled? Further to this, what would debt cancellation signal to the colleges? A huge green light for even more egregious tuition hikes since the government will likely cancel debt if the burden is too crushing on the grads. It was a stupid election stunt used by Biden to buy votes. Laffey addressed the issue in a great way. SCOTUS ruled correctly (even Cuomo said as much in his opening statement; legally, this was the expected decision) yet we need to take a serious look at education affordability and programs/policy designed to ensure all who have the desire and credibility should be able to go. The clown show of cancelling loans repayments, even if (especially if) it’s a one-off deal, does nothing to mitigate the root cause and we’ll be in the same boat a couple of years from now.
Not sure if people understand the concept of a loan, so maybe don't go to a school whose cost doesn't align with your anticipated earning power once off 'the dating farm' (i. e., college). That degree in the History and Philosophy of Afro-Indo-European Basket Weaving (Advanced) probably isn't going to lead to a quick loan payoff after school, I'm thinking — things that make ya go, 'hmmmmmmm'(<— falling, wrong-answer-on-a-game-show pitch).
Now, regarding things that make ya go HMMMM! (<— rising, optimistic pitch), Steve Laffey gets the concept of 'limited resources', such as collected federal tax revenue, and has the common sense to know that no one can spend more than they make (not for long, anyway). He has Common Sense Solutions to America's underlying problems, many of which are financial in nature, and his sensible plans work in the real world.
Under a Laffey presidency, Inflation goes to zero so you can afford your life again. Social Security is fixed, once and for all, so young people have a great future in their vulnerable years. And the Banking/Debt Crisis is a thing of the past as we live within our means, for a change. Restore the Middle Class!
Donate to Steve Laffey's grassroots campaign to help get this Serial FIXER onto the debate stage so we can finally hear and get behind someone with Common Sense, who will run our country the way you'd run your own household.
Donate: Change the Debate! Laffey 2024!