Who does America want as President? The guy with the one minute sound bite or the guy with extensive plans to fix America now and puts us on the road to a sound financial future? Steve Laffey is the guy with the well defined plans. The guys with the one minute sound bites will get us out of wherever, fix whatever in a split second, then they'll be off to the golf course. We need a captain for the ship of state that will always be behind the wheel. Support Steve Laffey, protect the dollar and restore the middle class, the backbone of this great Republic.

Go Steve Laffey!!

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Just listened to entire interview. Steve was spot on as usual. Some good questions by the host and sound answers from the guest. Solutions to problems was the theme, and that's what Laffey does. Find out what is broken, get the best mechanics for each problem, and fix it. Let's GOOOOOO!

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Creating a SOUND FINANCIAL FUTURE that Saves Our Young People and Restores Our Middle Class at the same time — these are some highlight messages from Steve 'Mr. FIXING AMERICA' Laffey — the one candidate who will fix the long-standing, underlying problems that bedevil America and have destroyed your dreams. Get to know this Serial Fixer and bona fide Financial Expert who has the best analysis of how to fix America, and who has the Track Record of turning around government malfeasance to surplus and opportunity! Check out this candidate with refreshingly Common Sense Ideas that will work to improve all of our lives. If you like what you see, then consider donating to get him onto the debate stage to ELEVATE the AMERICAN CONVERSATION. We're at that Crisis Point (banking/debt/Social Security/world leadership/etc.) so we NEED TO HEAR MORE VOICES. That's what America is about: PLURALITY! — E PLURIBUS UNIM. Donate to 'Change the Debate': stevelaffey.com/about fixingamericamovie.com

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