Still more bad news. Finch says the US government is becoming a bad credit risk. Do know what the lowering of the credit rating means? A lower credit rating means that with increasing risk comes increased borrowing rate. Higher interest rates causes the payment amount to increase. You realize that all the numbers Steve was giving us are now too low? This means more money must be stolen from the middle classes' wallets and pocket books. The unbridled spending by our government is devaluing the dollar and is causing more inlation-- another "tax" increase on the middle class. How long will we put up with our elected and appointed robbing our nation of its money and strength? People, Steve Laffey knows how to stop the bloodletting. It's time to take back control of our government.

Go Steve "The Fixer" Laffey!!

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It's simply common sense, something our government has none of. I'm not opposed to spending money, but one needs to have it first, right?

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Oh, you think young people don't want to pay back the college loans that they borrowed?

What will it be like when they are asked to pay the debt that congress borrowed before they were even born?

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A few $trillion of debt acknowledged, plus another few $trillion in unfunded liabilities ? Why be concerned? Future generations will pay as they curse the irresponsible politicians before them.

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America is broken. She's broken because she's broke. Presidential candidate Steve Laffey knows how to fix broken government because he's actually done it. His ideas are rooted in reality. His ideas are rooted in caring about people and their futures. He focuses on one or two problems at a time and then works tirelessly until that one or two MAJOR problem(s) is/are FIXED. Get to know Steve Laffey and see that he is a SERIAL FIXER. America needs her cod liver oil treatment right this very second. We must take that temporarily unpleasant strong medicine to Restore Health and Strength to our lives. Our nation has spent itself into the ground. Once that happens, then options for a good future dry up. When the credit rater Fitch finally says OUT LOUD what so many in finance and economics circles have been whispering for so many years, then this is the signal that it's just about too late to fix America's insolvency and its morbid consequences. Those Consequences: the Middle Class become the Poor; the Poor become the Destitute; Social Safety Net programs are gutted and have nothing left to give so the now-destitute become the dead or dying ; America loses her position of global strength that allowed us to keep the world more democratic and less authoritarian. In short, Hell on Earth. Fix America by going back to the basics and stopping this game of spending money we don't have. See what the Serial Fixer has done, and how he wants to apply these same basic principles to our great nation. STEVE LAFFEY 2024 — look at his necessary ideas at stevelaffey.com/about

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Exactamundo Mr. Bogarte! Thank you!

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