Maybe saving the middle class is as simple as having people do exactly the opposite of everything Kramer says.

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Well Steve, we've talked about this subject...a favorite of mine... on a few occasions. With your business savvy and my 35 years of auto experience, we can run a car company and it would be one that manufacturers vehicles that people want and would pay a reasonable price to own---or rent, lol.

It's hard to say which traits of CEOs are more damaging...their stupidity or their arrogance. It's a toss-up. You're right that EVs were meant for one segment of our population, rich people. And like former CEO of Ford Mark Fields said- you eventually run out of rich people to sell to.

The unholy alliance between the Biden administration and the auto companies is bad. What those same companies tried to foist onto the franchised dealers was horrible. The public has no idea how bad that was / is.

So in conclusion, let's buy what's left of Chrysler from Stellantis and make it an American icon again!

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Love it, I wonder what is left!

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Chrysler, Jeep and Ram trucks....I'd want to bring back the name "Dodge" for their trucks. Unfortunately, when Chrysler was on the ropes back in 2006-2008 financial meltdown, a different POTUS allowed Chrysler to be sold for a song....to Fiat . Long story. It's never been the same, since.

So if you could assist in rounding up a few billion, we'll tender an offer!

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Doesn't everybody who is involved or follows things financial know that Kramer is a loud-mouth baffoon who is wrong most of the time? We are a capitalist economy (market driven). Americans know what they want to purchase with their money and won't be dictated to. Who is it that determined Americans wanted battery powered vehicles? Maybe it was senile Joe Biden. Besides, in case you were sleeping, the American economy is in very sad shape. People can't or don't want to buy vehicles now (prices have risen a lot in the past few years). I read that Dodge/Chrysler now has a 180 day inventory on its cars, and its Ram trucks are also slow to leave the car dealerships. Not to mention that foreclosures are taking off. Of course, the greedy unions don't help. Their recent contracts with the "big 3" will cause prices to rise about $800 more. When the government gets involved it always screws things up. Government needs to step back before it is too late (and that point in time is rapidly coming.) Wake up, America.

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Looks like you guys are really enjoying your life while in Rome!

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pretty sure numbnuts has a 'b' in it. Ya know, as in nuts that are ...numb.

Peter Perry would be swearing a lot about the electric cars, and shaking his head, saying "I DON'T LIKE IT!"

What else does anyone need to know?

Man those diesels get so much mileage. It's like you forget that you have to go to a gas station cuz it's been so long since you were there last.

Aren't the auto makers making all these crappy electric cars because the government is forcing them to do so — not because they really want to??

They do have nice wide open dashboards (since they ain't got no engine). I'll give them that. Pffft.

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Yes, love the dashboards!! Ha! TOA!

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