Does This Sound Serious To You? Serious Like..."They'll Call You Donald Duck?"

The world is on fire, the debt is crushing us, the interest costs can't be paid...but let's get a commission going! Huh?!!

People write whatever they want, whenever they want. Here’s a killer idea and such a serious amount of data backing up her argument! Not.

Finally, a Serious Idea to Address the National Debt

That is the title. It is not serious.

I will only comment on one paragraph. Here is the first sentence.

"Historically, commissions have shaped critical policies, both fiscal and nonfiscal alike. In the 2010s, the Simpson-Bowles commission proposed recommendations that, while never adopted in full, were the seeds of other fiscal improvements, including the spending caps enacted in 2011 and renewed by the FRA."

Is this writer delusional...someone call Sen. Simpson and ask him how it worked out...after a year of his life...It shaped nothing. He was pretty ticked off.

Now take a look at the deficit in USA the next year.

"The federal government's fiscal year 2012 has come to a close, and CBO estimates—in its latest Monthly Budget Review—that the federal budget deficit for the year was about $1.1 trillion, or 7.0 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).Oct 5, 2012

The Federal Budget Deficit Totaled $1.1 Trillion in 2012, CBO ...


The Federal Budget Deficit Totaled $1.1 Trillion in 2012, CBO Estimates

The federal government’s fiscal year 2012 has come to a close, and CBO estimates—in its latest Monthly Budget Re...

Should I put of 2103 deficits too?

Here was the vote in the House of Representatives. One year of their life gone. Simpson and Bowles tried their heart out—they got their heads figuratively kicked in.

Why Won't Americans Listen to Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles?

Why Won't Americans Listen to Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles?

Joshua Green

Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles have seen the $16 trillion apocalypse. America’s response? Crickets

A"lan Simpson and Erskine Bowles have seen the $16 trillion apocalypse. America’s response? Crickets"

Here’s an article on the result.

Wonkbook: House reaches bipartisan deal to reject Simpson-Bowles

Wonkbook: House reaches bipartisan deal to reject Simpson-Bowles

WONKBOOK | It didn't just fail. It got crushed.WONKBOOK | The rejection was overwhelming, and overwhelmingly bip...

"Reps. Jim Cooper and Steve LaTourette managed to put Simpson-Bowles to a vote before the House of Representatives. It didn't just fail. It got crushed. The final tally was 382-38. Twenty-two of the supporters were Democrats, while 16 were Republicans. But overall, the rejection was overwhelming, and overwhelmingly bipartisan."

It was crushed...

Here is the next sentence in the paragraph of nonsense.


"President Ronald Reagan and Speaker Tip O’Neill used the recommendations of the Greenspan commission to negotiate measures that saved Social Security from exhaustion. "

HUH? SAVED?  Looks like I am campaigning on the wrong issue!  It was saved! I thought it was 62,000,000,000,000 in arrears...Let me call Kotlikoff! He doesn't know either!

"And the 9/11 commission and several rounds of base realignment and closure commissions have been used to keep us safe and improve national security both domestically and abroad through efforts that were at times controversial but ultimately successful."

We are safer? Money was saved?

That's we need another commision...let's get Simpson back, he is in Cody Wyoming.  I'll have Sam Laffey call him, he worked for his son Judge Simpson and had lunch with Sen. Simpson...Sen. Simpson has a different story to tell about how he wasted a year of his precious life trying to help the country avoid ...what is happening right now.

Maybe she should review the "success" of the Grace Commision from 1884...

Grace Commission - Wikipedia

Grace Commission - Wikipedia

The Grace Commission report[4] was presented to Congress in January 1984. The report showed that if its recommen...


The world is full of people writing stuff...think tanks etc...just writing stuff and talking...meanwhile the house is on fire.

Peter Grace is in Heaven having a great time. I am here getting my head figuratively kicked in. Another year of my life. My choice.

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The Threesome covering me on March 17th in RI, from the AFP, were serious people. Three of the few.