I have thought for quite a while that America does indeed, remind me of ancient Rome and the many forms of debauchery has become legal or acceptable as some weird kind of normal. You nailed it today, Steve. Many many people have underestimated Trump. Unless something very bad happens I predict he'll be our next POTUS. God help us if it's a Democrat at this point.

I also want to say that the Lefty, biased Mainstream Media is not only responsible and was complicit with hiding just how cognitively challenged Biden is....but they have put our country's safety at risk because our geo political enemies now have zero doubt that they can walk all over us and Biden can't handle it.

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Thank you my friend. Yes they have and they don't care.

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Over and over again in the Psalms God warns that those who dig a pit to trap the poor and needy, and kill the innocent and fatherless, will fall into it themselves. The Dem party has sought refuge in its own destruction. I can't see how President Biden will ever make it as the ultimate D candidate in November, even with Jill holding his hand. Only God knows. Just my $.02. Keep up the good work Steve! Love you brother.

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Love you!

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