Where's the Money? Americans Miss the Whole point on the Chinese Virus.
After the U.S Department of Energy joins with the FBI to say the Chinese Virus came out of a lab in Wuhan, China...Why is it not treated like the Tobacco Master Agreement of 1998.
The point is twofold. First, science is almost never “settled” but people who asserted from the beginning that the Chinese Virus actually came out of a lab in Wuhan (as I did in 2020), seem likely to be right. So why were they banned from twitter, and scoffed at, and publicly attacked for years? It did not seem to be a liberal/conservative issue. And why do you think so many people now distrust the conversation on “Climate Change” (also known as Global Warming at one time)?
Second, if it is true, as I think it is, that the virus came out of a lab in China, where are the lawsuits from America against China, claiming trillions of dollars in damages? Why don’t we go to court, and get the money for the millions and millions of victims? They did it in 1998 with a lesser case!
It is only because China controls the world’s rare earth mineral production? (We have them in North America but won’t dig them up!) Or is it because they control our supply of prescription drugs? (We were promised their return to our shores in 2020—but the politicians just talked and did not deliver). When will China pay for its atrocities? Not until we directly confront our problems with Communist China.