Laffey's On Way to Watch Daughter Sing National Anthem At Boston Red Sox Game!

Oh and Laffey and Lakey go over why you don't want a weak Dollar--look at Communist China--!

Look at these headlines…coming to America soon—Lower your currency for short term gain and lose investment forever.

China loosens grip on Yuan.

and low and behold!

China loses record $15 Billion of Foreign Investment.

At 7:21—-listen closely. Who else ever ever in USA history campaigned on wanting a “weak Dollar?” Only William Jennings Bryan. He lost.

7:44…listen closer…when you hear the phrase “Weak Dollar” are you happy. Does it sound good? Of course not.

I used the phrase “Strong Dollar Steve” when I ran. Sounds better right?

Who wants “weak” anything, in leaders running for any office, or even in terms of their coffee?? Did I run for mayor on “I want a weak Cranston?” Huh.

Here is the key to understand why Trump may lose…

8:00 …”how many topics can Trump and Vance leave the “normal” (Think Reagan) republicans without people like me (and you) saying ‘I’m never doing that, I’m never voting for these people.’ “

Topics like the Fed and control over the Fed.

9:45 then I go over Trump insulting the Gov. of Georgia…and what this does to the undecided voter..remember he is a Republican.

And of course we go over RFK jr., hopefully for the last time. As I said, he was going nowhere. I mention Patrick Kennedy who is doing great work trying to stop Pot.

Thanks for reading Steve Laffey's Substack--Fixing America...! This post is public so feel free to share it.


Pray for this one..Sarah Grace Laffey is tough. But Pray directly to Jesus to heal her.