Steve Laffey Out of Presidential Race, GOP
One day after ending campaign, we get to spend a day in RMNP before the …snow comes ! Kelly, me, Sambo and Lemonsweet Audrey
One day after ending campaign, we get to spend a day in RMNP before the …snow comes ! Kelly, me, Sambo and Lemonsweet Audrey
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Ah, yes, Steve, the good ol' days. You mean when the voters of RI were still open to electing an occasional Republican? No, come on, 99% were actually RINOs who were called "moderate" republicans. They only reason why most got elected were: 1) The demorat candidate was real bad, and 2) The republican candidate sounded like a demorat. I've been gone almost 11years and don't miss that left wing hell hole even though I was born and raised there. At least, there was some awareness of politics (beyond voting for so and so because he's my paisano). Today, throughout the nation there is essentially zero political knowledge. The voters are asleep at the wheel. They will wake up when they crash, then stupidly ask "what happened?" The average Joe is not a member of the cabal, doesn't know what is going on, and could less as long as they have their house, car (truck), a couple of six packs and their fast food poison burgers. Couple that with the fact that all their elected officials lie and pass on the prescribed propaganda, is it any wonder you couldn't make a mark? Politics is a game (of shame) and unless you play by their rules (not Steve Laffey), you can't be part of the team. Thank you, Steve, for your great selfless attempt to save the nation.
I join with FreedomFighhter and Jim Bogarte with my applause for a well fought fight. Like the prophets of old you (Steve) told the people the truth but alas they did not hear you, they did not listen. The revolution we need is not ripe enough yet and may never come due to the political dullness and personal wealth we have here in America. In fact the roller coaster of political and economic ups-and-downs is so typical and normalized that the American people just don't feel it when things are about to implode... until they do. Thank you to Steve, and team Laffey for a great run and the risk you all took to speak out and tell it like it is. Like Jim Bogarte said, let's all continue to pray for the mighty mustard seed of truth to sprout and bloom into a movement to save our republican form of government before it is too late. "Let's Goooooo!!!"