Laffey on Radio! I'm Back, But More On that Later!
Laffey returns from 30 days in Europe and Asia with a lot to say. But first he takes to the airwaves with Great Host Jimmy Lakey.
I missed being on with Jimmy! But first we talk about jet lag and never connecting thru the Munich Airport!
At 2:07 we talk about the end of the race. “There won’t be any more Herman Cain’s or Steve Laffey’s”
“A complete celebrity clown show.”
3:38 “I am for balancing the budget.”
3:52 “I am also for a strong national defense.” Then I go into Israel. “I’ve been talking about not getting out of the Gaza Strip since…1982!”
4:20 “And I am actually a very traditional social conservative, I am only for traditional marriage… I believe the republicans will suffer a defeat like never before next November…and then I think people like me will have to pick up the pieces.”
4:47: Politics vs real life.
5:45 “The other thing that is really true is that I really thought that people who are my age and older would actually be interested in helping younger people not suffer so much. They’re not. They’re just not. They’re interested in taking taking taking. and it goes on from there…. we are going bankrupt; we are just going bankrupt.
at 7:09 I go over the headlines vs. the truth. There is no soft landing.
8:37: So, what we are heading Biblically, …whether it’s a Jubilee, we will default on…the debt or forgive it…And you are going to have an extremely hard landing next year, and there isn’t now anything the Fed can do about it.”
And then there is Janet Yellen and her disastrous policies.
“It’s happening in front of our faces.”
11:30 We move into foreign policy.
12:57 on Israel. You need to listen to this.
14:06 “Does anyone think that Hamas would go into Wyoming?”
14:36 And let’s not confuse this, hamas and the palestinians are animals, they are subhuman people…”
Push them back with bulldozers.
“There is no peace, and here’s the other thing, there will be no peace, THERE WILL NEVER BE PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST.”
and then I move onto Iran. “We have never directly confronted Iran.”
My advice: Only Travel with wicked good looking wives! Here we are at Trevi Fountain in Rome.
Steve, it's great you and your lovely wife are back in the USA (or is it the USSR?). While you were gone, nothing remained static. Things have gotten worse. Remember when people were talking about interest payments on the national debt reaching one trillion dollars around midyear 2024? It seems that mile mark has already been achieved. That's over $259000 for each taxpayer. Speaking of taxpayers, credit card debt is now over one trillion dollars. And, the Congress has once again kicked the can down the road instead of coming up with a real budget. Have you heard about the monstrous anti-Jewish, anti-Israel, anti-American demonstrations happening around the country? Things are moving in the wrong direction at an increasingly rapid pace.
It is abundantly clear that only the American people can fix this country. We must unite NOW and stop this insanity or the US will no longer exist. All reasonable suggestions accepted.
You nailed it with older people not really caring about what they leave to the younger generations! They chose the path of letting things get worse. They get fooled into thinking the short-sighted promises of celebrity candidates will last when they actually do more harm . BUT, there is a remnant! We’ll never give up!