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Laffey on Communist China..Leaders Play Catch Up, But Are Still Behind.

Biden and Trump play politics-- no one goes for the jugular. Laffey would, and has said so since 2005.

Thank Jimmy Lakey for always getting in Commie China and its godless ways. Jimmy does God’s work in Africa…Bless him!

The WSJ reports on this.

Biden is all about “Green” energy. Biden has no idea what he is doing.

USA must bring back manufacturing prior to the next major war.

“We need to manage bringing home manufacturing.”

at 4:50 we move to Jesus and what is happening around the world.

“Either you believe in God or you think you are God.” Steve Laffey over a 1000 times since 2005.

7:23 we go into CPI, inflation and today’s data.

12:17…I move into the future as Jimmy goes to a break. This is very important.

I mention this year’s presidential election and use Reagan/Carter as a metaphor. Take a look after scrolling down to see what I meant.

Steve Laffey's Substack--on the campaign trail
Steve Laffey's Substack--on the campaign trail Podcast I write/video along the campaign to help you understand how to fix America. We must directly confront our problems. Paid for by Steve Laffey for President