
Laffey--Lakey, Student Loan Stupidity And German Debt Brake No More!

Since the president added no new information last night in the longest state of the union address of all time, which I did not watch, I moved on to some other topics of great importance.

It truly is a different world than 25 years ago. If 43% of people who have student loans have not started making their payments again— either because they don't know, don't care or for whatever other reason—- this country is in serious trouble.

The implications of Germany busting its “Debt Brake” to build out its infrastructure and for military purposes does not help America one little bit. That gig is over— European countries will now act much like France. The implications for America and the world are ominous. But have fun MAGA isolationists, while you can.

At around 12:15 “Now, here's the question for everybody, the tariffs coming. Who handles these tariffs better in a weakening dollar better? Really rich people or really poor people? I would surmise that really rich people or financial experts like me who have a lot of euros, a lot of pounds, not many dollars, lots of precious metals, handle it better than the middle class, which is going to get totally hosed again, but seems to, right now, okay with what's happening. They won't be okay with what's happening with Canada if this stays. I told you this last week They won't be okay with no aluminum. They won't be okay with no cars. They won't be okay with higher prices….”

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If you get to Vienna, visit the Lipazzaner horses!

When in Rome…