
Laffey Has A Different Take On The Trump-Harris Debate.

Harris relies on platitudes* about the future...that used to matter... but does anyone care about the future anymore, besides me, you and Larry Kotlikoff?

If anybody, including ABC, cared about the future of this country, or of the downtrodden trying to get out of poverty, or about our destroyed middle class, wouldn't some of the issues I ran for president on have come up during the debate?

Specifically, did you hear a word about our terrible public schools? Or how about the Federal Reserve causing inflation? Maybe you heard something about Social Security being $65 Trillion in arrears and bankrupt? I didn't hear that either! Are we still trading with communist China? What about the banking system? Did you hear a word about the banking system in our country which blows up the middle class every 15 years? You did not.

Was there any single line item in the budget discussed by anybody? There was not.

And do we have a problem with how large our national debt is or the fact that we're running $2 trillion deficits as the economy is expanding at roughly 2%? I guess not.

I guess these really aren't problems as they were not discussed what will be maybe be the only debate for the presidency of the United States of America in 2024.

But as I meet with people and talk with people between Fort Collins, Colorado and Boston, Massachusetts it seems like that's all they wanna talk about— But not ABC or the candidates!

*a remark or statement that may be true but is boring and has no meaning because it has been said so many times before:

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