"It's happening Right in Front Of Our Face"---Former 2024 Presidential Candidate Talking Trump, Biden, Economic Issues/Crisis, Israel/Palestine"
Laffey Joins up with FireBreathinRob on his excellent show to discuss some important topics! The destruction of America is happening right in front of our face!
Rob is an excellent interviewer. I never know the questions! But sometimes I know the answers!
We go over my recent trip to Europe and then around 7 minutes into the Presidential Election and some of the stupidity of the recent primaries.
Around 8:45: I talk about the Americans I speak to who are resigned to the upcoming disaster…”this Rob in a sense as people are resigned to what's about to happen maybe happening a year later than I thought it would last year where the debt is just simply too big for America to handle but there isn't anybody who doesn't know that there isn't anybody who meet who would say what are you talking about we don't have that much debt in America the national debt 30 what that's not that big of a deal a trillion dollars in interest not a big deal nobody says that…”
Around 11:00 I talk about how…”Trump starting to do things that will ultimately I think W make him win the race and things that happened in the country that that are so disgraceful it's whether it's you know what's happened at Columbia University the violence in the country uh High real interest rates I mean what is Biden trying to do to get younger people vote you know legalize pot uh forgive student loans these things are all young people really don't vote as much so these things are all a sideline there was really nobody talking about the monetary policy of the fed and as making it a large issue that was my large issue that the FED should keep inflation at zero and do nothing else and then eventually we can get rid of the FED but that would be the first step and witness how clueless the Federal Reserve is they've made one after the other bad decisions said things that are totally false and always are looking backwards at evidence that came in months ago to make decisions for the future and there's no one really talking about that it's very sad I don't know when they will I think they will because because when the crisis really comes so you know how do you have rates not be when I talk about real rates so let's say inflation goes down to zero and I think that that could happen how could 10year bonds ever go back to one or two they still stay at four or so because investors are going to now want a higher real rate for the risk that they're taken I don't know if people have watched this but it when you…”
And on it goes…enjoy and learn. Time Grows short for our great country…
Ireland still full of sheep!