I Dare Anyone to Watch the Whole Show....Making the Case for 9-9-9 Plan!
Three really intelligent people on CSPAN today discuss the revenue of the USA and our tax system. If you can take it, you realize...they like it this way, one continual fight for 40 years!
Adam Michel and Amy Hanauer on Federal Tax Policy and Revenue Collection
At 1:29 into the show you can see the disaster….
If you want to watch the fight…have fun, and then if you like it the way it is, you have plenty of candidates to voter for in the 2024 Presidential race (All the others except me!)
If you are sick of it, “Conservatives” defending more tax cuts, saying the income tax is very progressive bla bla bla…and liberals wanting to tax the rest of you earnings…have fun.
But if like me you are sick of it, go to stevelaffey.com and help!
I only made it thru 20 minutes!