FireBreathinRob And I Go At It For An Hour.
Rob Asks great questions. I should get him to call me every day.
Kids make me a nice Bday Cake!
Visit the biggest and most complex mechanical and astronomical clock in the world. When you get to Messina, Italy
OMG! I was watching Knightsville moves to Orlando. All kidding aside, the problem is that this country is not run "by the people". It is run by the Military-Industrial- Pharmaceutical Complex. The cabal of bankers, defense contractors, medical world is driven solely by money. The money comes from "we the people", so you and I and our government are all in serious debt. We are a debtor society. Where there is debt, there is no freedom. The USA is no longer a free society. And the collapse-- not recession or depression-- is coming soon, unless Joe Sixpack wakes up real soon and fights back. God Bless America, may it rest in peace.
Steve Laffey, where have you gone? Haley vs. Trump? I have nobody to vote for.
Enabled by a dishonest media, the American voters appear to prefer candidates whose rhetoric makes them feel good over one (seems there’s only one!) who can and will get THE RIGHT THINGS done. Great show, great discussion. For our children; we can’t give up!