The two major news stories of this week have been ridiculous compared to our actual problems:
Will Trump Be indicted?
This has been in all major news outlets for a whole week. Other than sending well wishes to a stressed Trump family, what does one do? This should not be the story in the news. What is truly amazing is that former President Trump, former Vice President Pence, and President Biden have all admitted to mishandling top-secret documents on multiple occasions. The focus should be on the Rule of Law. Of greater importance to our children, and their future, would be the deficits run up under the last several presidents.
Joe Biden 2021 – present $1.84 trillion
Donald Trump 2017 – 2021 $8.2 trillion
Barack Obama 2009 – 2017 $8.34 trillion
George W. Bush 2001 – 2009 $6.1 trillion
2. Will TikTok be sold or banned?
In my opinion, TikTok itself is just a small part of the problem. Although I understand and have foretold the danger of continuing our trade relationship with Communist China with precision for over 15 years, our issues cannot be solved by banning TikTok. The actual problem lies within the younger generation’s ability to learn and function.
These are some of America’s dilemmas:
Our debt is too big.
The Federal Reserve needs to be changed, now. It has destroyed the middle class.
The biggest problem I see during this campaign is that the news cycle is deliberately changing topics to issues that do not matter on a fundamental level. This happens far too often, so that no one is able to focus on the dilemmas that plague us. By keeping us distracted by news topics that do not matter, the American people have been blinded to the obvious. This must change. The people deserve an honest outlet, and an honest leader.
The media is like a brutal wind that blows us in a direction they desire. Thank you a Steve for continuing to tackle the real issues. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
America DOES need to wake up ! -- wake up to the fact that we have an extremely serious debt CRISIS among other issues around young people's futures, our nation's and people's security, and the protection of our democracy. Presidential candidate Steve Laffey, who, unlike the news media, is NOT owned by Big Pharma, Big Banking, or the Global Elitists who want to usurp all of your individual rights, can and IS telling the world the TRUTH about the REAL ISSUES facing our republic. He is an honest man of great integrity who has identified the genuine SOLUTIONS to FIX them. Check out to see his PLANS to FIX AMERICA, once and for all, before it's too late. It's just about that time RIGHT NOW. You will see that Laffey has the deep background and the track record of fixing the same kinds of problems that America faces right now. Let's avert 1929 all over again. Let's not roll over and give away our world hegemony to terroristic, totalitarian China. Take a look at Steve Laffey and see what informed, common sense solutions to our real problems looks like. LAFFEY FOR PRESIDENT 2024!!!