Always Living in the Small Lane, U.S Senators Have Bill About TikToK, Not Pharmaceuticals..
Always behind the curve, our elected leaders take 1/2 measures and fail again to concentrate on the major problem...Communist China itself.
Because of endemic corruption in Washington, DC among, it seems, many of our elected and unelected officials, we remain far behind the curve in avoiding an all-out war with Communist China.
The systematic lies from 20 years ago that Communist China would be a democracy if we just gave them special trade deals, (when there was no evidence of that in world history) when it was only done to enrich large USA corporation, who enjoy using slave labor for their short-term profits and seemingly like seeing human rights destroyed in Hong Kong, concentration camps of a million Uyghurs, forced abortions, etc.…, continues today.
But maybe they will get rid of TikTok!? And make it seem like all is well in the world.
We need a President, who has consistently been right about China, made a movie, Fixing America (written in 2011), that seems literally prophetic now, and has said we have to stop this nonsense, NOW! That would be me, Steve Laffey.
Why do you think the bill is about TikTok, not a 5-year plan to bring pharmaceutical manufacturing back to, at least North America? Money and Corruption—politicians get their money from large corporations, who like operating out of a low cost Communist country despite the destruction of human rights in China, and the military buildup on the backs of lost USA Manufacturing jobs.